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Cultivating Kindness from the Inside Out

Why Self-Acceptance is Key to Conscious Leadership

November 13th marks International Kindness Day and here at Radiate Communications, we believe that kindness isn’t just something you show others—it’s something you must show yourself first. When you cultivate self-compassion, you naturally bring more kindness into the workplace and to the world.

Self-kindness starts with self-acceptance. Yet, many of our clients struggle with a critical “inner judge,”* a voice that subtly (or sometimes not-so-subtly) undercuts self-worth with harsh words. This voice can create a spiral of negative thinking that influences how we interact with others. In contrast, practicing kindness toward oneself encourages more intentional, positive communication.

5 Steps to Start Showing Kindness to Yourself

  1. Recognize Negative Self-Talk: Notice when that inner critic starts talking. How does it sound?

  2. Observe Its Effects: Take note of how this inner voice impacts your mood, energy, and interactions.

  3. Pause and Breathe: Practice a few deep breaths to calm the mind.

  4. Replace Criticism with Kindness: What might a close friend say to you in this moment? What would you tell a friend?

  5. Reflect on the Impact: Notice how a kinder self-perception affects your communication with others.

It may feel strange at first—many of us have been trained to believe that self-compassion is a sign of weakness. But in reality, it’s a strength that leads to true kindness toward others and stronger, more genuine connections.

*Shirzad Chamine, Positive Intelligence, Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2012


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